Articles, White Papers & Opinion Pieces


Effective cleaning vs short cycle times by Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski, Founder & Managing Director, Aseptium Ltd; published in the IDSc Journal May – July 2019 // Vol.23 //

Why measure protein PCDs for cleaning evaluation and how to go about them by Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski, published in the IDSc Journal November 2018 – January 2019 // Vol.23 // No2

The story behind the development of new Process Challenge Devices for evaluation of cleaning efficacyPart 2 – Looking deep inside

Towards Collaborative Innovation, as published in the Journal of the Institute of Decontamination Sciences

Five Common Mistakes when Optimising Washer Disinfector Cycles

Features of WD and the optimal cycle, an article by Aseptium’s founder Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski

Why measure protein quantity when looking for contamination by Dr Pierre Bonnin, published in the IDSc Journal November 2018 – January 2019 // Vol.23 // No2

The story behind the development of new Process Challenge Devices for evaluation of cleaning efficacyPart 1 – Rising from chaos

Harnessing the Crowd article by Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski, first published in the Journal of the Institute of Decontamination Sciences May-July 2017, vol. 21, No 4

When Matrix Enters Sterile Services

Internal Affairs: Cleaning the Bloody Mess!